Git vs. Mercurial - Which distributed version control system is better for Agile development?

September 27, 2022

Git vs. Mercurial - Which distributed version control system is better for Agile development?

Version control systems (VCS) have revolutionized the way software development teams work together. With a VCS, developers can collaborate on code, track changes made by each contributor, revert code to previous versions, and manage multiple streams of code. However, with so many VCS systems available, it can be challenging to choose the right one for your Agile development team.

In this blog post, we'll compare Git and Mercurial, two of the most popular distributed version control systems used in Agile development, to help you make an informed decision.


Git is a VCS system created by Linus Torvalds in 2005. Git uses a distributed version control system, which means every developer has their own copy of the repository on their local machine. When a developer makes changes to their copy, they can then push those changes to the central repository.

Git's popularity can be attributed to its speed, flexibility, and open-source nature. Git has over 30 million users and is used by large-scale platforms such as GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket.

Here are some reasons why Git is an excellent choice for Agile development teams:

  • Speed: Git is incredibly fast, thanks to its distributed architecture that allows developers to work offline and merge code changes quickly.

  • Branching and Merging: Git's branching and merging capabilities are powerful and easy to use, enabling fast experimentation and releasing code changes more frequently.

  • Community Support: Git has a vast and active community, which means you'll find answers to your questions easily.


Mercurial is another distributed version control system, with a similar feature set to Git. Mercurial was written by Matt Mackall in 2005 and is used by notable companies like Facebook, Mozilla, and Atlassian.

Here are some reasons why Mercurial is a suitable option for Agile development teams:

  • Easy To Use: Mercurial is simpler to set up and use compared to Git, making it an excellent choice for new developers.

  • Built-In Tools: Mercurial has fantastic built-in tools, like an interactive terminal and web interface, making it easier to monitor changes.

  • Designed for Windows: Mercurial was built to work flawlessly with Windows, making it an ideal solution for teams that prefer Windows environments.

Comparing Git and Mercurial

Here's a side-by-side comparison of some key features in Git and Mercurial:

Feature Git Mercurial
Learning Curve Steeper Easier
Commands Abundance of commands Lean and Simple
Speed Faster Slower
Merging Extremely powerful Less powerful
Windows Support Native Flawless
Community Support Vast and Active Smaller Yet Supportive

Each system has its strengths and weaknesses, but overall, both Git and Mercurial are solid options for Agile development. When choosing between the two, consider the specific needs of your team and project.


Both Git and Mercurial are distributed VCS systems that are user-friendly, flexible, and support Agile development. While Git provides more powerful and quicker merging, Mercurial is easier to use and works well with Windows systems.

When selecting a VCS system, it is essential to choose one that aligns with your development team's workflow and goals. Regardless of whether you choose Git or Mercurial, having a VCS system in place is vital in any Agile development project.


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